Eidolon Angel:

Angels that reside within the plane of specters, a plane within the realms of death that has many bleak and dreary features where lost souls tend to wander and those who flee from damnation try to hide, wander to aid the souls who are lost or usher those who are hiding from their final judgment. They appear humanoid with only one eye at the center of their head with skin covering where eyes would be. The eye appears pale in color and has a constant stream of tears where it is said that if a lost soul were to follow the tears, they'd find themselves before the final judgment. If a living mortal follows the tears, it would lead them into the plane of specters. These angels are docile in nature, though can induce spiritual blindness to those who would harm them. To those who respect them, they offer bursts of inspiration and revelations to those in need.

Halcyon Angel:

Angels that reside within the sub-plane of the Divine Realm known as the Plane of Serenity, a plane that is calm and vibrant in colors where even the breeze of wind brings one into a tranquil state, are known as Halcyon Angels. These angels are skilled and promote calmness in even the most violent of storms. Their energy alone can make you feel calmer and more at peace with yourself. They can fall under any Order of Angels ranging from personal angels to Seraphim. They can be commanders in battle where they calm the battlefield of its chaos and swiftly put an end to conflicts. They can assist you in various ways such as aiding you to develop your psychic abilities, manifesting prosperity, preventing manifestation of negative outside influences, cleanse you of harmful energies, aid with astral travel along with astral projection especially to the Plane of Serenity, aid with lucid dreaming, share ancient knowledge, promote a healthy love life, they can also aid your spellcraft, aid with self-love, aid with healing energies, mentor you in arcane knowledge and practices, aid with attracting love, aid with finding balance within one’s life, aid with manifesting one’s desires, and so much more due to their vastness in variety. Each Halcyon Angel is different therefore each may hold uniquely different strengths and abilities.

Ineffabus Angel:

Angels that reside within the sub-plane of the Divine Realm known as the Plane of the Unspoken, a Plane where Divine Secrets are recorded and its occupants are without mouths to prevent the uttering of said secrets, are known as Ineffabus Angels. These angels are keepers of Divine Secrets and are collectors of such. They do not have mouths and communicate telepathically and can bestow great wisdom to others. They are also keepers of secrets and aid the prevention of secrets from being revealed. They can fall under any Order of Angels ranging from personal angels to Seraphim. They can assist you in various ways such as aiding you to develop your psychic abilities, manifesting prosperity, preventing manifestation of negative outside influences, cleanse you of harmful energies, aid with astral travel along with astral projection especially to the Plane of Serenity, aid with lucid dreaming, share ancient knowledge and wisdom, promote a healthy love life, they can also aid your spellcraft, aid with self-love, aid with healing energies, mentor you in arcane knowledge and practices, aid with attracting love, aid with finding balance within one’s life, aid with manifesting one’s desires, and so much more due to their vastness in variety. Each Ineffabus Angel is different therefore each may hold uniquely different strengths and abilities.

Heliacal Angel:

Angels that reside within the sub-plane of the Divine Realm known as the Plane of Cosmus, a Plane where cosmic and planetary wonders are manifested along with the promotion of oneness through all things, are known as Heliacal Angels. These angels are calm and still in demeanor. They never let emotions take over them and they have a sense of wholeness to them and a strong connection to the Divine Realms. They have various appearances, though they typically appear as a humanoid made of comic energy of various colors. They can fall under any Order of Angels ranging from personal angels to Seraphim. They can assist you in various ways such as aiding you to develop your psychic abilities, manifesting prosperity, preventing manifestation of negative outside influences, cleanse you of harmful energies, aid with astral travel along with astral projection especially to the Plane of Cosmus, aid with lucid dreaming, aid you with channeling and utilizing cosmic energy, share ancient knowledge and wisdom, promote a healthy love life, they can also aid your spellcraft, aid with self-love, aid with healing energies, mentor you in arcane knowledge and practices, aid with attracting love, aid with finding balance within one’s life, aid with manifesting one’s desires, and so much more due to their vastness in variety. Each Heliacal Angel is different therefore each may hold uniquely different strengths and abilities.

Felicitus Angel:

Angels that reside within the sub-plane of the Divine Realm known as the Plane of Bliss, a Plane where one is overwhelmed with joy and glee and its occupants radiate with positive energy, are Felicitus Angels. These angels promote the happiness and pleasure life brings along with the activities that life holds for us all. These angels are joyous and find the positive in all situations no matter how dark they may seem. They can fall under any Order of Angels ranging from personal angels to Seraphim. They can assist you in various ways such as aiding you to develop your psychic abilities, manifesting prosperity, preventing manifestation of negative outside influences, cleanse you of harmful energies, aid with astral travel along with astral projection especially to the Plane of Bliss, aid with lucid dreaming, share ancient knowledge and wisdom, promote a healthy love life, they can also aid your spellcraft, aid with self-love, aid with healing energies, aid with channeling positive energy, mentor you in arcane knowledge and practices, aid with attracting love, aid with finding balance within one’s life, aid with manifesting one’s desires, and so much more due to their vastness in variety. Each Felicitus Angel is different therefore each may hold uniquely different strengths and abilities.