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Astral Palace Creation:
This is an Astral Palace that's design is completely up to the owner unless specified otherwise. This Palace will have servants (simple servitor constructs) and many rooms and halls. Of what these Rooms and Halls will hold or be used for is up to the owner, thus I highly recommend for the owner to specify what they want. This Palace also has a small garrison that holds a couple guardians of the palace. They are simple-minded servitors meant only to protect the owner and the palace itself. The garrison can be used by the owner or their companions if so desired. This is a private location that one can invite others if so desired by the owner, be them spirit/entity or another practitioner.

Astral Town/City for your Spirit/Entity Companions:
This is an Astral Town/City for one’s Spirit/Entity Companions. The size of the town/city is influenced greatly upon the size of the spirit/entity family and the planned growth of the family. This is not necessarily a place where the owner cannot go, however keep in mind that this is primarily for your spirits/entities. This does not mean you cannot visit or stay. I highly encourage specifics on what kind of town/city one’s spirits/entities would prefer.

Astral Clinic:
This is an Astral Clinic. It is not really a Clinic so to say, I just thought it was well suited for the place’s purpose. This is a location where one who feels they have been cursed/hexed/injured within the astral can be healed/cleansed. The “staff” here are Intelligent Servitors who specialize with breaking curses/hexes and energy work to heal any injuries enacted on the aura and chakras. One of the major features to this “clinic” is that there is also a room for parasite removal. This cannot guarantee that all curses/hexes will be healed, nor that all parasites will be removed, however it is a good starting point and the “staff” will point you in the right direction where to go from there.
This is an astral location and I must also state that this is in no way meant to be substituted or used as medical consultation/practice/advice. By law I am obligated state that this is for entertainment purposes only.


When buying you agree you are purchasing solely the item/service listed which may or may not hold metaphysical properties. These are for entertainment uses only. You are responsible for any and all events that may take place. We (the sellers) are not responsible for any improper usage of products that may result in damage, illegal activity, neglect, or harm. The item(s) are not to be substituted for legal, financial, or medical-advice/action. All metaphysical issues are welcome to be addressed so that the problem may be rightfully solved. If problems continue, the possibility of revoking such metaphysical properties will be provided if available. Safety is our highest priority. You must be 18 or older to purchase metaphysical items/services. You may not redistribute, resell, or alter any of the content these services provide unless given direct permission by the owner of Dark Kingdom's Magickals. By purchasing you confirm you have read and willfully agree to these terms and are legally bound to them.